When performing a large commit to VisualSVN Server over the HTTPS protocol, the Subversion client sometimes fails with the following error message:
The above error message can also occur for other Subversion operations with massive throughput (such as svnsync).
In most cases the problem is caused by the OpenSSL library bug on the client side. This issue is resolved in the OpenSSL 0.9.8m release.
Upgrade your Subversion client to the version built agains OpenSSL 0.9.8m or later.
If you are unable to upgrade your Subversion client, you can workaround this problem by disabling TLSv1 protocol support in VisualSVN Server. Please include the following string into the %VISUALSVN_SERVER%\conf\httpd-custom.confconfiguration file and then restart the VisualSVN Server:
Last Modified: November 29, 2009点击开始–>程序->VisualSVN–>VisuaSVN Server Manager启动服务器管理器, 右键选择 VisualSVN Server(Local) ,选择 Properties ,在弹出窗口中选择 NetWork 标签,在 ServerName 处输入本机的 IP 地址,我的地址为192.168.158.129 ,端口我选择 8080确定保存,再点击 VisualSVN Server 可以看到右面的界面,我们的访问地址就是 Sever URL